I talk a lot about the gospel in this blog and i realized that i havnt yet laid it out. I am sorry and this is my weak attempt.
God creates everything in perfect harmony and synchronicity with him. Everything is good and right. There is no brokenness, no darkness, no death. Everything is in perfect rhythm with its surroundings and its creator. Everything rightly glorifies its creator as he is the best best, the greatest greatness, the most loving love, the most powerful power, the most pure good. It all perfectly works for his well deserved and perfect glory and in this working perfection exists. He creates very specific image bearers, thinkers and reflectors of him. People are created to love and be in personal relationship with their creator. He calls them very good. They live in a beautifully designed area . They exist in beautiful relationship with the creator of all of it. They are created to be one with one another- man and woman, together, perfectly mirroring their creator. One day a deceiver, one who had already rebelled against his creator, lied to them, telling them to disobey God in hopes of becoming like him. This would be the first act in Gods physical creation that was unjust, not pouring out to him. It would be the first time where identity was found outside of something’s creator and in itself. This is evil. To worship and glorify something that is not the Lord and creator of all things. The people disobeyed God and became horribly self aware and introspective. They found that they were naked and hid themselves in shame. There God-the loving creator who had blessed them and created them for love and glory in their creator- came to meet them asking where they were in disappointment. He called them to himself. He found that they had tried to cover their shame themselves with fig leaves. He explained how this rebellion had invited a curse. It separated them from him. It brought in strife and pain- Sin. This ushered in all brokenness and corrupted all the rhythm in which God had created the world. But the loving creator said that he would send a saviour through the woman’s seed which would destroy the work that the deceiver had started. He testified to a redeemer that would return the people to the beauty that they had been created in. Then many evil and desperate years and decades and centuries and millennia passed. Through it all God was faithful to continue proclaiming this redeemer, this messiah that would deliver the people back to their God. He did this through a people called the Jews, a race started by a man named Abraham whom God called. This race was chosen to be Gods Children to proclaim to the nations his plan for the world. His children, like all mankind were disobedient and sinful. However, these people were the ones who God chose to be the ancestors of his saviour. After many years the time came. After many types and examples, after many proclamations and prophesies , the time came for the saviour. His name was Jesus. He was Gods planned and proclaimed rescuer and ruler. He came to kill and dismantle the people and the deceivers evil work of rebellion. He came to kill sin on the cross. He did this by satisfying Gods righteous punishment for the evil rebellion. Every evil ever done was put on his shoulders as he was tortured and killed for them. He did this obediently loving his father to death. He was then buried and three days later rose. He did this to conquer the death that he came to kill. He then showed himself alive to some 500 people before he ascended back to the father to rule at his right hand. His perfection is now ours. What we could not do he did. He came ushering in a new kingdom to show and display Gods plan for the world. They are a new people who would do what the old people didn’t. These are a holy nation of priests who go everywhere proclaiming their righteous saviour and this message- the good news of Jesus which was just told to you. They wait anxiously for there king to return and make all things new or for them to drop and go their reward.
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